Welcome to Pondering Creek. This blog focuses on the fun things I find of interest. Topics include links, with mild commentary, to various sub-specialties of archeology, history, geology and writing and drawing techniques along with my attempts to learn new skills. Other things that strike my fancy might appear.
This blog is also a learning platform for me to hone some new skills in blogging, use of social media (those with TOS I’m willing to tolerate) and how these technologies interact with the blogosphere. If, in the process of my learning, I’m able to knock enough rust off my writing skills to produce a marketable product, so much the better.
I make no promises about regular postings other than I will try. We’ll see. Expect to see changes in WordPress themes, plugins, widgets and posting styles. I definitely view this first attempt at a blog as a playground in which to experiment.
So far in my learning curve, I have figured out Feedburner; so, if RSS is your thing, please subscribe. I’m still on the uphill side of the Twitter learning curve, but my Twitter account is linked to the Pondering Creek follow button.
Feel free to leave a comment if you find anything here of use (or find something useless). I generally take constructive criticism well as long as the criticizer is not completely obnoxious. The Grammar Police are also welcome … after all, I am trying to get rid of some nasty writing habits. Be aware that comments are moderated because a few test posts I first put up garnered dozens of comments from folks hawking any number of products, most of which apparently circumvented the FDA and, probably, a few other three letter agencies.
Regardless, I do read the comments. Even the spam.